The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Weblog Entry

We are open for orders. I haven’t listed peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers because they are just coming on so if you want some swing into the store on Friday or Tuesday. Hopefully by next week we will also have green beans.

And FYI – we will not be having the farm set up on Saturday mornings any more. It’s slow and too difficult to split things up as we head to Sidney. Orders can still be placed and picked up on Saturdays though. And honey, syrup, eggs can be grabbed anytime. Thanks for your understanding.

Weblog Entry

The market is open for ordering. We’ve begun harvesting cabbages, radicchio and okra this week and will probably have the first tomatoes and peppers in the store Friday!

Happenings on the farm:

Matt’s been busy row cultivating the field crops which are looking amazingly weed free compared to previous years,

We’ve been busy trying to get the last of the garlic harvested – 6 varieties out – 4 to go!

Angus – our 6 month old goat kid will be getting sheared today and he’s heading to his new home in Michigan this weekend.

I’ve been trying to get the last of the tomatoes and peppers strung up – better late than never!

Weblog Entry

Open for ordering, albeit a little late. We have listed some kohlrabi, beets, and basil and still have fennel, kale, chard and herbs. Radicchio and cabbages are coming along and the first okra pods and zucchini’s are starting!!!!

We had a busy week with presentations at the library in Chickasaw and a 4H farm visit this past week as well as our normal farm visits. And now we’re off to pick up a loom! More about our weaving adventures to come.

Come in for in person shopping Tuesday and Friday 2-6:30 or Saturday morning!

Weblog Entry

We are open for ordering this week. Please note that I zeroed out a lot of the leafy greens. They aren’t enjoying this heat wave and I’m not sure if I will have any by the weekend or not. So come shop in person Friday to see what has made it through!

As far as new items listed : garlic scapes are coming in strong, fennel heads are just big enough, chard has recovered from the rabbit frenzy, and the fava beans are here – they are a super short season crop so get them while you can!

Keep the look out next week for the first of the kohlrabis.

Stay cool out there!

No bread orders for Friday or Saturday Please

I’ve opened the market so you can order now through Thursday for this coming Friday, Saturday, and Tuesday pick ups. Please don’t order bread for Friday or Saturday this week. We have some good friends traveling from Vermont to pick up some goat kids and I’m not sure I’ll have time to bake. If you really want something leave a note in the comments and if I have time I will try to make your bread! Thanks for understanding. I did leave the bread on so you can order for Tuesdays pick up.

Other than that we have garlic scapes coming on right now!!!! Wooohooo. Only the Chinese purple are scraping right now but we should have more in the next couple weeks. So come in the store to grab them!

Market is open

The market is open for orders. Notice that we’ve gone back to our summer pick up options. We’ve added some sugar snap peas, Muir lettuce, and Grandma Hadleys lettuce. We’ll still have snow peas as well.

Things are crazy busy on the farm right now. We’ve baled the first cutting of hay for the year, goat kids will be leaving for their new homes starting Thursday, and there’s a back log of things to plant in the garden as well as beans still to plant in the fields. Fingers crossed we get it all done!

Bags Needed!!!

The store is open this afternoon until 6:30. Swing on in for some fresh snow peas or sugar snap peas along with our other regular greens and herbs.

I’m hoping to entice you all into cleaning out your closets and cabinets of any lightly used bags – plastic or paper. We are running low and would rather not buy new ones. Just drop them anywhere in the store! Thanks in advance!

Weblog Entry

This is just a reminder that the store will be set up for in person shopping this week If you forgot to place an order just swing on in. We will have lots of fresh kale, collards, lettuce, asparagus, cilantro, thyme, mint, sage, oregano, as well as goat milk soap, honey, and maple syrup.

Also for those interested in a Raw Milk Herdshare opportunity come chat with Annette from Bair Trax Dairy at 6pm tomorrow. She will answer all your questions. I will say that Matt and I made icecream with part of our gallon this week and it was amazing!!!! If you can’t make it our to talk to her tomorrow – drop her a line at

Hope to see you all tomorrow.

Summer hours and Herdshare from Bair Trax

Well today finally feels like May. This beautiful weather definitely helps with our productivity. The garden is filling up quickly and market season is fast approaching.

I wanted to let you know a couple things. First off this coming week will be the last that we use the Winter Hours. Starting the following week with the 17th the Farm store will be fully open for in person shopping (as well as pre orders). We will be sticking with the same schedule as last year so it will be open for shopping Tuesday and Fridays 2-6:30pm and Saturdays 8-12 (we will be at the Sidney Farmers Market on Saturdays so it is set up completely self serve).

I also wanted to mention for those of you interested in herdshare opportunities with Bair Trax Dairy we will be having Annette come to the farm store on Tuesday the 17th at 6:00pm. She can explain everything you need to know about their operation. I am hoping that with a good number of interested folks that Annette will be able to to a milk drop off weekly on Tuesdays in the area – until then I am willing to pick up the milk when I go down on Tuesdays and we will have it available for pick up in the farm store.

So even if you aren’t sure about the herdshare, come on down, get some veggies, listen to Annette, and decide from there! No pressure.

Hope to see you all for our Summer Opening!!! And get your orders in for this last week of Winter hours. We have huge Pak Choi that need to be eaten now, lots of greens, delicious heads of winter wonderland lettuce, tons of cilantro, etc!!!

Weblog Entry

We are open for ordering. New this week : winter Wonderland romaine lettuce, Pak Choi, and Mizuna are available again!

Keep thinking about signing up for a herdshare with Bair Trax Dairy. I’ll let you know later this week when Annette will be coming up to answer questions and sign people up. Their milk is delicious and makes great yogurt, butter, and farm cheese!

We will also be setting up at First Place Christian Center in Troy next Tuesday for the Spring in person Miami County Locally Grown market. Come see us and the other vendors!