The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Weblog Entry
This is just a reminder that the store will be set up for in person shopping this week If you forgot to place an order just swing on in. We will have lots of fresh kale, collards, lettuce, asparagus, cilantro, thyme, mint, sage, oregano, as well as goat milk soap, honey, and maple syrup.
Also for those interested in a Raw Milk Herdshare opportunity come chat with Annette from Bair Trax Dairy at 6pm tomorrow. She will answer all your questions. I will say that Matt and I made icecream with part of our gallon this week and it was amazing!!!! If you can’t make it our to talk to her tomorrow – drop her a line at
Hope to see you all tomorrow.