The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Kreppel Time!
This is just a shout out that if you want to pick up kreppels this Tuesday at the farm store get your order into Jenn sometime tonight or tomorrow ( If you haven’t tried them yet, they are delicious. And it is a holiday weekend so you deserve to treat yourself!
Also for those that didn’t make it into the store last week to see we have: cabbages, tomatoes, leeks, onions, kale, chard, broccoli, zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, and probably lots more.
My brain is a bit fried today though so I’m blanking on the rest of our goodies! We just got in from harvesting the last four varieties of garlic – we’ve probably harvested about 2500 heads this week. We’ll have some fresh garlic available this week though most of it will be drying in the barn for a couple weeks before we start to prep it for the market!English Muffins, green beans, snap peas, mmmmmmm
Hey everyone,
We’re back! It was so nice to take a few days away from the farm. NH was beautiful this time of year and it was nice to be surrounded by so much family even if it was a somber occasion.
I am taking off with some goats – heading to Iowa in the morning but Matt will be racing around in the heat tomorrow setting up the farm store and harvesting everything for the Sidney Farmers Market. Have some patience with him as he might not be able to restock as speedily as I do( that was a joke – I know I am also slow!!!)
Anyways, onto the important stuff. It’s English Muffin week coming up! Debbie Walker from Walker Cabin Farm will be baking these fresh for our Tuesday pick up. If you want to place an order you can go to the Walker Cabin Farm Facebook page and message Debbie your order. If you for some reason can’t figure it out just let me know what you want and I can order for you. Please get your orders in by 7pm Sunday night.
I will also be opening up our ordering form so if you want any additional bread for Tuesday the option is there! Just don’t order for Friday or Saturday pick up because I won’t be here to bake!
And what you’re all dying to know – veggies this week: beets, turnips, radishes, green beans, snap peas, kohlrabi, a little kale and chard, basil, sorrel, dill, bunch onions, mint….
Weblog Entry
This is just a reminder to get your Kreppel orders in today if you’d like to pick them up tomorrow in the farm store! Order with Jenn directly at
And this is just another reminder that the store will be closed this coming Friday 6/14 and next Tuesday 6/18 . So pick up your weekly veggies tomorrow too!
Honey, kreppels, kohlrabi …. Oh my!
We have a great week ahead of us. We took the spring honey off – somewhere around 175lbs – the girls did us proud! We will have at least some of it bottled and in the store starting on Friday!!! We might have sampled it a few times and it is delicious.
Also it is the 2nd Tuesday of June coming up which means Kreppel Time! These were so good last month – my particular favorite – the hazelnut though you really can’t go wrong with any of them. Just like last time kreppels will have to be preordered by going directly to Jenn’s site:
You will have to order between Sunday night and early Tuesday Morning and you will be able to pick up in the store anytime after 3.
Other goodies looking to don the shelves of the store this week include: kohlrabi, beets, turnips, garlic scapes, basil, dill, sage, mint, oregano, kale, chard, beet greens,. I’m probably forgetting something so just come into the store and see for yourself!
And lastly, this is just a heads up that the farm store will be closed on Friday the 14th and Tuesday the 18th. We’ll be thinking of you all as were sipping G+Ts ocean side!
New Guest Baker - Debbie Walker!!!
Debbie Walker of Walker Cabin Farm will be our new guest baker who will be accepting orders for Tuesday May 28th pick up. On the menu this week, english muffins!!! I can attest that these are delicious toasted up with butter, your favorite jam or used in your breakfast sandwiches. They also freeze great if you are worried of making it through a whole 6 pack – though I honestly don’t think that you will have a problem!
On Farm News, we have added the Sidney Farmers Market to our pick up locations – as this Saturday is the first farmers market of the season!!! Come see us Saturday 8-12 and shop the square (which should be packed with other vendors).
We have, like last year, decided that we will not be listing all the veggies on the online ordering platform. It is just too hard to keep up with the changing influx of small bed veggies. So place your orders for bread, syrup, jams, flours and then pick out your veggies in person when you come in to the shop. And as always, if you think we’ll have a certain veggie that you want you are more than welcome to leave a comment or send us a message, and if we have it we will set it aside for you.
Check out the farm store this week for (maybe) some of the first basil tips, more bunch onions, beet greens, Kale, chard, the last of the muir lettuce, cilantro, sage, and mint.
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Ordering is open for this Friday (and next Tuesday)!!!! If you want bread for Friday please order by Thursday night.
Thanks for everyone that placed kreppel orders – they are delicious. Mark your calendars for the next kreppel Tuesday June 11th.
I did add some of the Milagro lettuce to the order form – these are the butterheads that you might have noticed in the farm store today. We also have Muir lettuce for next week! We also have lots of mint, chard, kale, cilantro, thyme and asparagus for this week.
And remember that the flour sale continues for this Friday. We have added 5 lb bags too. Flour is stored in the large fridge in the store.
Not too much else new to report on. Hope to see you this week!
Kreppel time!
Now’s the time to place your order with Jenn if you would like to pick up some kreppels from our farm store on Tuesday! Here is a direct link:
And get any bread orders in tonight!!!!
Summer Hours, Flour Sale, and Kreppel Time!!!!
We hope everyone survived unscathed through last nights tornados. That was definitely a close one. If anyone did suffer any damage and needs some help or some pasture space while you make repairs we can try to help – just reach out.
I am opening the market for our summer hours this week! So May 14th and May 17th mark our official switch over! How is it that time already?!!! We are sticking with our Tuesdays and Fridays open at the farm, as well as taking orders for Saturday pick up at the farmers market. Like always I am going to try and be better about weekly email updates but you all know how that typically goes for us! So you can more than likely expect them once a month! You can order for Tuesday pick up now and will be able to order for next Friday pick up starting on Tuesday evening!
For this coming week we are having a flour sale. All bags will be $4 for next Tuesday and Friday only so if you have been waiting to try it now is the time. And speaking of flour almost all of our bread is now made with 100% of our homegrown heirloom red fife wheat. You may have noticed some of the loaves aren’t browning quite as nicely and that is because our flour clearly doesn’t have some additive that store bought flour has that lets them brown like that. I am still working on how to get that nice browning but don’t let that stop you enjoying. They are the same great flavor and even more local and nutritious than before. I’ve also added a whole wheat loaf and a seeded oat and wheat loaf to the bread options!
Also for a special treat next week we will be stopping in Sidney on Tuesday to pick up some delicious Kreppels from the amazing baker extraordinaire Jenn. Jenn grew up in Germany and is starting a German bakery (backstube) in Sidney/Piqua. Tuesdays are her Kreppel days, which are light and airy german doughnuts with a hint of lemon, which you can get plain or stuffed with jellies or puddings. I am definitely going to try her hazelnut cream filled one myself, and maybe the lemon, and johannisbeere…ok maybe one of each!!! You can check out all her flavor options at her website You will have to place your order with her sometime between Sunday evening at 7pm and Tuesday morning and I will pick up and deliver too the farm for you to pick up! I will email out again when her ordering window opens (or if you head to her website early you can sign up for a notification on your phone when it goes live so you don’t forget – isn’t technology crazy these days!) You will be paying her directly through her website when you order.
Jenn and I are thinking that we will do Kreppel Tuesdays once a month here so let’s plan on the second Tuesday of the month!
I am also hoping that throughout the season we will be able to have a few guests featured like this so let’s support another local baker…and satiate our sweet tooth at the same time!
And just a note on veggies for the week. We will have: Asparagus, lettuce, swiss chard, cilantro, spearmint, thyme, and maybe kale this week! Hope to see you all soon!
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Just a shout out to let you know that this will be the last week for spinach. We need the space to put the tomatoes in the ground!
This coming week will still be our winter hours – so just open Tuesday. The week after though (May 14th and 17th) we will be starting our Tuesday and Friday schedule!!! I’ll message out next week with more info on that!
Weblog Entry
This is a hard email to write. We are leaving soon to bring Max to the vet for the last time. I have no words right now for that. But I am writing because we were supposed to go to a market today in Piqua and won’t be able to attend. We have bread made and ready for eating though. If you would like to help us out and get some bread it is in the farm store in the coolers. All are $6. There are focaccia , and bagels: cheddar hot pepper, blueberry, everything, and mixed bags. Thanks.