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Summer hours and Herdshare from Bair Trax

Well today finally feels like May. This beautiful weather definitely helps with our productivity. The garden is filling up quickly and market season is fast approaching.

I wanted to let you know a couple things. First off this coming week will be the last that we use the Winter Hours. Starting the following week with the 17th the Farm store will be fully open for in person shopping (as well as pre orders). We will be sticking with the same schedule as last year so it will be open for shopping Tuesday and Fridays 2-6:30pm and Saturdays 8-12 (we will be at the Sidney Farmers Market on Saturdays so it is set up completely self serve).

I also wanted to mention for those of you interested in herdshare opportunities with Bair Trax Dairy we will be having Annette come to the farm store on Tuesday the 17th at 6:00pm. She can explain everything you need to know about their operation. I am hoping that with a good number of interested folks that Annette will be able to to a milk drop off weekly on Tuesdays in the area – until then I am willing to pick up the milk when I go down on Tuesdays and we will have it available for pick up in the farm store.

So even if you aren’t sure about the herdshare, come on down, get some veggies, listen to Annette, and decide from there! No pressure.

Hope to see you all for our Summer Opening!!! And get your orders in for this last week of Winter hours. We have huge Pak Choi that need to be eaten now, lots of greens, delicious heads of winter wonderland lettuce, tons of cilantro, etc!!!