The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Summer Hours, Flour Sale, and Kreppel Time!!!!
We hope everyone survived unscathed through last nights tornados. That was definitely a close one. If anyone did suffer any damage and needs some help or some pasture space while you make repairs we can try to help – just reach out.
I am opening the market for our summer hours this week! So May 14th and May 17th mark our official switch over! How is it that time already?!!! We are sticking with our Tuesdays and Fridays open at the farm, as well as taking orders for Saturday pick up at the farmers market. Like always I am going to try and be better about weekly email updates but you all know how that typically goes for us! So you can more than likely expect them once a month! You can order for Tuesday pick up now and will be able to order for next Friday pick up starting on Tuesday evening!
For this coming week we are having a flour sale. All bags will be $4 for next Tuesday and Friday only so if you have been waiting to try it now is the time. And speaking of flour almost all of our bread is now made with 100% of our homegrown heirloom red fife wheat. You may have noticed some of the loaves aren’t browning quite as nicely and that is because our flour clearly doesn’t have some additive that store bought flour has that lets them brown like that. I am still working on how to get that nice browning but don’t let that stop you enjoying. They are the same great flavor and even more local and nutritious than before. I’ve also added a whole wheat loaf and a seeded oat and wheat loaf to the bread options!
Also for a special treat next week we will be stopping in Sidney on Tuesday to pick up some delicious Kreppels from the amazing baker extraordinaire Jenn. Jenn grew up in Germany and is starting a German bakery (backstube) in Sidney/Piqua. Tuesdays are her Kreppel days, which are light and airy german doughnuts with a hint of lemon, which you can get plain or stuffed with jellies or puddings. I am definitely going to try her hazelnut cream filled one myself, and maybe the lemon, and johannisbeere…ok maybe one of each!!! You can check out all her flavor options at her website You will have to place your order with her sometime between Sunday evening at 7pm and Tuesday morning and I will pick up and deliver too the farm for you to pick up! I will email out again when her ordering window opens (or if you head to her website early you can sign up for a notification on your phone when it goes live so you don’t forget – isn’t technology crazy these days!) You will be paying her directly through her website when you order.
Jenn and I are thinking that we will do Kreppel Tuesdays once a month here so let’s plan on the second Tuesday of the month!
I am also hoping that throughout the season we will be able to have a few guests featured like this so let’s support another local baker…and satiate our sweet tooth at the same time!
And just a note on veggies for the week. We will have: Asparagus, lettuce, swiss chard, cilantro, spearmint, thyme, and maybe kale this week! Hope to see you all soon!