The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Fall hours are here

First off, thank you for your patience with our poor communication this year. It is something we will be trying to improve upon in the future.

Due to the end of our Saturday Farmers Market we will be changing our farm pick up day to Tuesday afternoon. If Tuesdays don’t work for you feel free to email or call us and we will do our best to accommodate other pick up days/ times.

We will have some radishes available this week – a mix of green meat, watermelon, and Japanese minowase. The eggplants are still looking amazing and peppers and tomatoes are still producing , albeit a bit more slowly. And there are just a handful of butternut squashes remaining (comment if you want large or small when ordering as they vary greatly).

And soon we will have our homegrown popcorn!!!

Thanks again for your patience and hope to see you all soon!

Weblog Entry

I forgot to mention. If you would like bread this week, please pre order by Wednesday night!!!!! Thanks!

Pre orders only this week with no Sidney pick up

Happy Fall everyone!

We are mixing things up this week and will be setting up at the* 2020 Handmade Harvest *event in Minster. Please come on down to shop a bunch of local vendors, eat some BBQ, drink some coffee and enjoy the wonderful weather we are expected to have.

The event is taking place in the parking lot of Hausfeld Motor Sales at the corner of 7th and Main St on Friday 2-7pm and Saturday 9-noon. Because of this the farm store will not be fully stocked on Friday so please place your orders and we will leave your boxes in the farm store , or come see us in Minster to shop in person.

Hope to see you there!

Weblog Entry

The winter squash are here! Acorn, delicatta, and butternuts. And the honey was just extracted today so should be bottled by next week! Besides that this looks like it could be the last week for edamame so stock up while you can.

Open for orders!

How can it be September already!!!!!!! Time is flying. Get your fill of organic fresh produce before you blink and the seasons over.

We have all the same goodies this week and hope to start adding some winter squashes in the next week or two so keep on the look out! Thanks for sticking with us.

Finally Organic

After a bit of COVID-19 delays, the garden has finally joined the rest of the farm and is now officially certified organic! woohooo!

In celebration we’d love for any shoppers that come to the farm store tomorrow (Friday) 4:30-6:30 , to help yourselves to 1/2 dozen ears of or imperfectly organic sweet corn – on the house. It might not look perfect but it does taste delicious.

I also thought I’d mention that the red and orange bell peppers are finally producing well and we have a new hot pepper variety – Lightening – for those that want to spice up their lives!

We are open for orders!

The Market is now open for ordering! There is nothing new, that I can think of, but we may have some broccoli available at the store on Friday/market of Saturday…maybe!

Weblog Entry

Yup… late at opening again! I just wanted to keep everyone guessing at what amazing goodies we’d have this week.

The only addition to the market this week is Cilantro. Besides that the edamame and green beans continue to produce, and it looks like the sweet corn is almost ready!

Thanks for sticking with us, even with our delayed opening!

Better Late than Never

The weeks are flying by so fast I am losing track of the days. So I apologize for the delay in opening up the ordering.

We continue to have an amazing edamame harvest this year. Think about getting a couple extra pounds and preserving them for a delicious winter meal. They are very easy to blanch and freeze and will cook up great on a cold winter night.

Green beans, tomatoes, and peppers are continuing to produce and a small number of the leafy greens are back on the market. (Remember if something is listed as sold out you can leave us a comment when ordering and we might be able to fulfill it still. We always try to have a bit of padding on our amounts listed!)

We will also be listing some nice sized, freshly harvested onions – Yellow or Red.

Thanks for all your continued support of us and our small, local, organic produce operation!

Edamame, Green Beans, and Cabbage

The garden has been keeping us busy this week as the edamame and green beans are ready for harvest! We should have a lot of both for a while…so think about preserving some for winter! You have options for your green beans of either those from our Zorro (black beans) or a purple/green mix (of the Royal Burgandy and Provider varieties).

We will also be harvesting our green cabbages this week. There aren’t a lot of them so I would suggest pre-ordering if you would like one.

And the tomatoes, peppers, okra, eggplant, keep increasing their production!

We are going to be giving our greens a break this week. There is the possibility we will be able to cut a few on Friday so you might find some in the store or at the market Saturday but I don’t think we will be cutting much. They have been a bit slow to recover this week.