The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Weblog Entry
Get your orders in to Jenn by tomorrow if you would like to pick up her fresh baked and delicious kreppels at the farm store on Tuesday! It looks like there are apple filled ones this week which will be a perfect fall treat – though I’m definitely getting the hazelnut ones too!
If anyone has bags – paper or plastic – please feel free to drop them off in the store. We are dangerously low so even if you don’t have bags to donate think about bringing your own reusable bags to fill up with veggies.
And thanks to the wonderful person who secretly dropped off a mum the other day! It will be nice to have some fall color outside the store. We always mean to decorate more but find we run out of time and energy so we truly appreciate the gesture!