The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Brrrrrrrrrrr - Egg Sale!!!!!
It has been a chilly week on the farm as I am sure you are all struggling with as well. The critters are all snug in the barn but I know that they are dreaming of a day when the temp will hit 30 … or even 20 or 10 for that matter.
Due to the cold we moved all the eggs inside. I did put out some in the big fridge today (with a light on) in case people were coming to pick up. If the big fridge is empty please call the house phone for a refill 419-753-2531 or Matt’s phone 541-505-4494. Eggs this week (through next Tuesday or while supplies last) are $3/dozen. We’d like to move them (plus the fridge inside isn’t as big as the outside ones).
Also the Pac Choi row is still delicious so get your orders in for some homegrown winter greens. For the fresh greens, If you missed this weeks order, we can definitely put some out for you any other day. Just leave a note in the comments when you want to pick up. I’d love to see it get eaten! All orders will be placed in the big fridge this week to keep them from freezing.
We hope to have kale, arugula, and lettuce soon too if they all survive this cold snap. They are growing super slow at this point.Stay warm out there!