The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Weblog Entry
We had a fantastic day at the market this morning but we still have a lot left and I don’t have time this week to can! Plus we forgot a crate of bread this am so it arrived late, meaning we have some bread left over!!!! Onion bagels, 2 seeded oat and wheat loaves using our homegrown wheat, and 2 cinnamon walnut loaves. Stop by the store this afternoon or tomorrow 10-2 to get 10% off all produce and bread !!!! (You’ll have to calculate at checkout yourself – I know you can do it!!! And look in the order pick up area if you need more tomatoes – all those peach truck boxes are full!
Look for some corn in the store this coming week – supplies are limited!