The Weblog

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Weblog Entry

Happy Winter Everyone,

Hopefully you are all doing better than us this week! We have been huddled by our fireplace as we are still trying to get our boiler up and working again. Fingers crossed we can keep the pipes thawed out until that happens.

I just wanted to draw your attention to a new item I just listed: an Elderberry Syrup Kit. Molly Fogt makes these kits. If you have any questions about them I can put you in contact with her! They are $20.

I also made a batch of Bourbon Spiced nuts that we will have available at Aullwood Nature Center for their holiday show tomorrow. Come and see us, or message me asap, if you would like me to set some aside for you. 1 lb for $16, 1/2 lb for $8. You can email at or text me at 603-828-8619.

Stay warm everyone!