The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Weblog Entry
Hey everyone! We have a busy next couple of weeks to let you know about. First off, this coming weekend we will be set up at Handmade Harvest in Minster. Come see us Friday afternoon or Saturday morning in the Hausfeld Motors parking lot. We will have our bread available Friday afternoon so stop on down. There will be lots of other great venders too. That being said, if you want bread please order for Friday or Tuesday pick up. There won’t be bread at the Sidney Farmers market, though Matt will be set up with veggies- sorry for the inconvenience.
The following weekend is The Wool Gathering in Yellow Springs (Sat 10-6, Sun10-5) We will have a booth filled with our homegrown yarn and fiber so come visit! There will be animals to see, ice cream to eat, and more yarn than you know what to do with. Bread will only be available for Tuesday pick up that week and Matt will still be set up at the Sidney Farmers Market with veggies!
And mark your calendars for the weekend after that – New Bremen Pumpkinfest! We will be set up in the Artisan Showcase tent on Saturday. Bread will be available at the Sidney Farmers Market that day as well!
I’m tired just thinking about this month! Hope we see you out there!