The Weblog

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Weblog Entry

Sorry for my delay in opening the market this week. I have to say we have been a little sleep deprived the past couple days. Houdini had her babies in the wee hours Monday night/Tuesday morning. Though during the ultrasound we were told to expect triplets, she instead decided to overachieve and have quintuplets. It was a difficult birth as you can imagine. Unfortunately the fifth kid didn’t make it but the other four are doing well. The two boys are nursing on their own while the two girls still need encouragement – hence the lack of sleep. Houdini is recovering though she is still struggling to pass her placenta so we’ve been in close contact with our vets office. Fingers crossed that tonight is the night. Other than that we will be working to build back Houdini’s body condition as growing five kids has left her much thinner than we’d like. If all goes well we hope she and the kids will be up for visitors in a week or two.

Thanks to those of you who picked up your orders hassle free Tuesday without us there! The market is now open for orders!