The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
2021 Syrup is here!!!
We’ve finally been able to add the first of our 2021 maple syrup to the market. 4.375 gallons have been bottled this week with more to come tomorrow. I don’t think we will reach the 33 gallons bottled in 2020 due to the extended cold in February and what looks like might be a quick warm up in March. Time will tell.
Along with manning our sugar shack we have also been prepping our seed beds in the garden and have been glued to our barn cam awaiting the arrival of our goat kids. Still none yet but they can’t hold out forever!
We’ll make sure we let you all know when the store front is open again (we haven’t made much progress yet). Hopefully in April, but for now please continue to pre-order and pick up on Tuesdays! Thanks for your patronage!