The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Out Planting Has Begun
This is just a quick reminder that the market is now open for orders! Please order by Thursday night if you would like to pick up at Vin&Joy on Saturday, or by Sunday night if you are picking up at the farm on Tuesday.
I also wanted to let everyone know that Vin&Joy also has curbside pick up available at the same time so check out their shop and place your orders. It’s a great way to get Mother’s Day gifts, birthday presents, new clothes for yourself! Support small stores and local businesses in these trying times instead of always turning to Amazon!
Farm News
Work on the farm is ramping up. Not only are the fields getting plowed in anticipation of planting corn soon, but we’ve also started out-planting some of our starts. The Dino and Purpurkal Kale and Swiss Chard are in the ground with tatsoi, chinese cabbage, broccoli, and cilantro going out tomorrow! It won’t be long now til we are all eating fresh greens again. And the garlic is looking amazing. It’s time to clear out any remaining jars of garlic scape pesto out of the freezer in anticipation of new scapes only a month away!
Unfortunately, it’s pretty obvious we will not be having a soap making class this spring like originally planned. Hopefully by the fall…or next spring we will be able to do that.
We also are sad that we are not able to welcome everyone to the farm to see all the goat kids and experience their crazy antics – so make sure you are following daily videos and pictures of them on either our Grumpy Goat Experiment instagram or facebook page. We will only have them around for entertainment for another month :(
And this week’s GOAT OF THE WEEK is Pepper! She is the super cute twin of Dotty – both of whom rock the white speckled ears. She’s been a little on the shy side – playing hard to get. This week she is finally coming out of her shell and getting into the neck scratches.