The Weblog

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Egg sale this week, no online ordering for next week

Hello everyone,

It’s been another busy spring week here. The fields are being prepped for crops, the animals will start being moved to pasture today, veggies are growing, soap an jam are being stockpiled. Mini ages are on sale this week for $2.25 so get two of them for the price of one regular sized dozen!

The newest, and still unnamed cat that showed up in the middle of winter had kittens! Four of them, though they got a bit tangled in their umbilical cords so we are treating one with antibiotics now and he will be having a leg amputated in a couple weeks. We are hoping to find new homes for all of them (2 boys, 2 girls) around 12 weeks old so if you’ve been contemplating getting a cat we can definitely let you come visit once they reach 2 weeks old (so mama cat has some alone time to bond). Mama cat is super lovey and friendly now so I have high hops that all these guys will be lovers.

We might be single handedly employing the vets office these days. So along with Tripod, the three legged kitten, we are also treating a goat for ringworm. As of now it is just one small patch on one goat but we ask that you refrain from petting the goats this week while we make sure it is under control. Ringworm is actually just a fungal infection but it can be passed to humans so better be safe than sorry.

One of our rams is also being treated for arthritis, which is what happens when you have an aging population of animals and most of our sheep are in the elderly range at this point.

And Griswold the Bernese mountain dog has been diagnosed with an ineffective pancreas so we will have to start supplementing him with raw pancreas at every meal. If anyone knows a source of pig or cow pancreas, us vegetarians are now in the market for some!

Tomorrow We also will be welcoming back three of our goats sold previous years. Unfortunately the home they went to are selling the farm so we will have goats looking for new pastures if you are interested in a fiber pet of your own!!!!

And just a heads up I will be leaving the market closed for ordering this week. You are more than welcome to come in next Tuesday for eggs, honey , and syrup but there won’t be any bread available. Thanks for understanding.